sex positive

born out of need! 

When the idea of 3 Wicked Women was gifted to me from the universe, I thought interesting. If you had asked me years ago if this is what I would be doing in my middle years I would have laughed at you. I had no experience in the industry and neither did the amazing woman I asked to be my partner. We both jumped in headfirst and learned so much along the way! I am still grateful today for all this experience has given me. We have been in business now for more than 10 years and I'm not sure what my life would have been without it! 

Originally this was born because I did not enjoy anywhere I could go to shop for bedroom essentials. They were almost all run by men who had a very different idea of what I thought the shopping experience should be. So we started researching to see if anyone was doing what we wanted. Well they weren't, at least not what I had in mind. I wanted a women centric experience. I wanted a place where women could come and feel comfortable and ask questions without any judgement. I wanted body safe products. I wanted American Made where we could find it. I want women to leave the store feeling sexy and empowered in the quest for connection if that's with a partner or solo because both are very satisfying in different ways. The people I have met along the way have been not only the icing on the cake, but the cherry on top! I love 3 Wicked Women and I hope you will too! 



